A group of people in a modern office setting, smiling and stacking hands in the center of a table, indicating teamwork and collaboration.

Embrace Success Through Experiential Learning

Published on July 25, 2024

Did you know that attendees of traditional lecture-style training retain only 5-10% of the information?

Considering how much time and resources are put into getting your team together to participate in training sessions, this low retention rate can be quite disheartening.

However, there is a solution that significantly enhances learning outcomes: experiential learning.

Experiential learning is a transformative approach championed by Crotonville Conference Center, where learning transcends the conventional "sit and get" methodology, boosting retention rates to as high as 75%.

By immersing learners in real-world scenarios and fostering active engagement, we ensure that the time spent in training translates into meaningful and lasting knowledge.

To help us better understand the power of experiential learning, we recently chatted with Candyce Penteado, Managing Director of “The People Side.”

Let’s see what she has to say.

Experiential Learning for Corporate Meetings

Understanding Experiential Learning

Experiential learning diverges significantly from traditional methods.

As Candyce explains, traditional programs typically follow a tell-show-do model. Instructors impart information, demonstrate concepts, and then allow learners to practice.

However, this method often fails to engage learners deeply.

Experiential learning immerses learners in real-world situations, enabling them to derive personal meaning from their experiences.

"It's about exposing the learner to a situation and allowing them to become the meaning maker," Candyce emphasizes. This approach acknowledges that each individual brings unique perspectives and experiences, making the learning process highly personalized and impactful.

The Benefits of Experiential Learning

One key advantage of experiential learning is its adaptability to diverse learning styles and backgrounds.

In today's globalized world, learners come from varied regions and cultural contexts, each with distinct needs and interpretations.

"This format allows people to come into an environment or an experience and decide what they want to take out of it," Candyce says. This customization makes the learning process more relevant and powerful for each participant.

Experiential learning involves creating environments rich in "heat and energy," where learners can observe their actions and those of others. This reflective process helps them identify what feels most real and relevant, fostering personal and professional growth.

Designing Effective Experiential Learning Programs

Creating an effective experiential learning program requires clarity and creativity.

Candyce suggests starting with a clear focus on the desired outcome. For instance, to teach collaboration, it's essential to design experiences where collaboration is vital.

At Crotonville, one such experience involves observing a string quartet rehearsing a new piece of music. The musicians' communication, trust, and collective performance are powerful metaphors for effective teamwork.

Candyce advises, "Get clear on what you want, find the right experience that reveals that, and then get really sophisticated in how you're going to attach meaning to the moment."

You want the learning experience to be engaging and deeply meaningful.

Innovative Examples of Experiential Learning

Experiential learning can take many forms, from business simulations to creative arts.

Candyce highlights the importance of finding spaces that encourage play and experimentation.

Activities like team cooking or art projects with leaders help participants tap into different parts of their brains, fostering innovation and a sense of playfulness. These experiences contrast with the rigid, perfection-focused environments many professionals are accustomed to.

"Get creative. Have fun with it and get ready for people to take what they need out of that experience," Candyce says.

The goal is not to be overly prescriptive but to allow learners the freedom to derive their insights and growth.


Experiential learning is more than just a teaching method; it's a philosophy that empowers individuals to discover, reflect, and grow.

By immersing learners in real-world scenarios and fostering a bespoke learning experience, ensuring that each participant walks away with valuable, personalized insights.

Here at Crotonville, whether through observing a string quartet or engaging in a team cooking challenge, the possibilities for experiential learning are as diverse and dynamic as the learners themselves.

Curious about how Crotonville’s experiential learning programs can help your group? Reach out to us below.

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